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4601 North Vía Entrada
Tucson, AZ, 85718

(520) 331-6998

The Summit Studios, LLC is a full service movie studio production facility to support all phases essential for production companies in creating and assembling their imaginative projects.


Summer 2018


Hannah Blair Akins

Bachelor of Fine Arts Program, The School of Theatre, Film and Television, University of Arizona. Incoming Senior.

Hannah was born and raised in Jamestown, North Carolina, and grew up with a wide variety of intense interests including art, competitive cheer-leading, track, film, and philosophy. After moving to Phoenix, Arizona at the age of fourteen, she continued to nurture her artistic interests, and eventually decided to pursue her studies' focus on screenwriting, production design, and directing.


Academic year 2016

Morgan Anderson.png

Morgan Anderson

Accounting Major, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona. A class of 2017 graduate!

Morgan is a California native. She was a competitive figure skater for eight years achieving regionally ranked status.